Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) faced heavy criticism from one Democrat who called him an "abomination" after he defended former President Donald Trump.
June 13, 2024

Rep. Tom Tiffany (R-WI) faced heavy criticism from one Democrat who called him an "abomination" after he defended former President Donald Trump.

During Wednesday's Washington Journal program on C-SPAN, a woman named Ann called in with a reaction to Tiffany.

"Mr. Tiffany, do you realize you are an abomination?" the caller from Maryland said. "Your Judicial Committee is a disgrace. You have ruined America."

"So get in line behind your convicted felon and have a ball," she concluded.

For his part, Tiffany insisted that Democrats were using Trump's status as a convicted felon as a political talking point.

"I'm hearing it back in the District," he said. "It's all about 'the convicted felon.' So you can see what Democrats were attempting to do here."

"They want to change the subject," Tiffany added. "And that is why the Department of Justice, through all these cases against President Trump, they were hoping one would stick and they were able to manipulate it in a court in New York City to be able to get this guilty plea."

There is no evidence that the Department of Justice was involved in prosecuting Trump in New York.

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