There is a writer who actually believes that Sarah Palin has a coherent foreign-policy doctrine, and uses Ahmed Chalabi -- the scam artist who helped George W. Bush sucker the rest of us into invading Iraq -- as a credible source of information. His name is Benyamin Korn:
The call by the Arab League for Western military intervention in an Arab state — in this case asking that a UN “no-fly zone” be imposed over Libya – is not only without precedent but it puts in formal terms what Governor Palin stated three weeks ago should have been America’s response to the political and humanitarian crisis now unfolding there.
The former GOP vice presidential candidate was being interviewed on February 23rd on national television by Sean Hannity on a range of issues. On the Libya crisis, she proposed a no-fly zone to protect the armed and un-armed opposition to the Qaddafi regime. Mrs. Palin’s formulation had been blogged about for nearly a week when it was echoed by the man who, before the Iraq war, had led the Iraq democratic movement in exile, Ahmed Chalabi.
A long-time foe of Saddam Hussein who has emerged as a leading figure in Iraq’s democratically elected legislature. Mr Chalabi recounted in the Wall Street Journal how President George H. W. Bush’s 1991 call for a popular uprising against Saddam had been heeded by the Iraqi people, only to have Saddam then murder some 30,000 of them from helicopter gunships while the Western world stood by.
Not again, Mr. Chalabi pleaded in his essay, and explicitly demanded a Libyan no-fly zone. But it now it seems Qaddafi will be allowed to repeat a Saddam-style repression, even as President Obama, and the rest of what he likes to call the international community, is “watching carefully.”
Mrs. Palin also continues to link America’s energy policy — a realm in which she has experience — and U.S. foreign and anti-terrorism policies. She recognizes that the ongoing transfer of billions of U.S. petro-dollars to unstable or even hostile Mideast regimes has, since the formation in 1973 of the Organization of Petoleum Exporting Countries, been an drain on U.S. financial resources.
In a critique of Mr. Obama’s energy policies published yesterday at about the same time the Arab League was adopting her prescription for a Libya no-fly zone, Mrs. Palin laid out how the president’s “war on domestic oil and gas exploration and production has caused us pain at the pump, endangered our already sluggish economic recovery, and threatened our national security.” Nor is Gov. Palin’s insight into complex international issues limited to areas of her immediate on
Chalabi is the opportunist hack who misled our media into transmitting the phony arguments that supported George Bush's war against Iraq. He's like a Zombie that doesn't die. Once the Villagers trust a liar of the highest order like Chalabi to mislead a nation into one of the worst foreign policy decisions in the history of America, don't be surprised if they let him do it again.
And Benyamin Korn actually attaches his lies to this new "Palin Doctrine." It's simply remarkable. The word expertise and Palin mix as well as oil and water. The views attributed to Palin are nothing more than typical right-wing talking points -- the point of parody. At first I thought it was written by The Onion.
(h/t Jason)