Claiming President Biden is "on drugs" is pure projection -- and proves how scared Republicans must be of Trump's debate performance.
May 16, 2024

As soon as President Biden and Donald Trump agreed to have two debates, Republicans in Congress and Fox News hosts began claiming that Biden must be on drugs because he was so powerful in his SOTU speech. (Projection much?)

Enter another wingnut medical fool to make a bullsh*t diagnosis of Biden to serve their traitorous master.

GOP Doctors Caucus co-chair, Rep. Greg Murphy, (yes, there is a wingnut doctor caucus) subbing for scumbag Fox News' Dr. Mark Siegel, decided to make a fraudulent on-air diagnosis of the real president.

REP GREG MURPHY: Yeah, it's going to be interesting because, look, I'll just be very plain and simple.

I was in the State of the Union address and Joe Biden must have been jacked up on something that day. I absolutely believe that from a medical viewpoint and actually have a little bit of good knowledge that that a captain that that happened. He can't stand it.

He can't stand under the lights for that long. And I don't think he can keep a concept in his brain that long.

Go f**k yourself.

Murphy advised Diminished Don to stay in his lane and try to act presidential because sometimes it hurts his issues. Really? You noticed that. Then Murphy went on to attack Biden like an OANN disgraced host.

BARTIROMO: What do you mean when you say he was jacked up at the State of the Union?

MURPHY: I believe they gave him something to to help him sustain the lights and sustain the vigor that he had.

That's not that was not Joe Biden. I was in there.

He screamed for two hours.

He screamed for two hours.

And, you know, maybe we can talk offline, and I'll show you something.

And I think that proves that you'll show me what I think. I can have some evidence that shows that he was given something before then.

BARTIROMO: OK. In terms of a medicine or.

MURPHY: Yeah. You know, Joe, Joe, there's no way, Joe. Joe is 82.

There's a picture taken of him last week.

He's on the beach without his makeup on.

And guess what? He looks like what? An 82 year old.

You can see his surgical scar in the back where he had his facelift. You can see that very plainly.

He's being manufactured and puppeteered by the Democratic Party to be president of the United States. And I fully believe that has to do sometimes with pharmacology.

How can Rep. Murphy call himself a doctor and make these kinds of statements, leaning on his medical qualifications?

This proves how apprehensive the MAGA GOP is to see Trump engage in a debate with Biden. Biden cleaned Trump's clock last time they debated.

Here's a question for Rep. Murphy. Have you seen Trump without his full body and hair make-up? That would be a sight for sore eyes.

Talk about health, if anyone is taking drugs like Adderall to hype them up, it's 78 year-old Traitor Trump.

Maria Bartiromo was very excited by these prospects.

BARTIROMO: Congressman, I'm going to follow up on that. I'd like to see more of that. That's really compelling.

We'll follow it. Thank you very much, sir.

How scared must they be of the upcoming debates?

Can you help us out?

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