Following President Clinton's lead, Barney Frank criticized Chris Wallace yesterday of having an "odd view of balance" after asking questions about pressure from liberal activists, tax increases on the rich, abortion, gay rights, the "don't ask, don't tell" policy and the whole Pelosi-Hoyer-Murtha "controversy" -- issues that rank low on the Democratic agenda.
Later Rep. Dingell, who will chair the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, laid out which scandals he plans on investigating. Could Dingell be the reason Cheney is calling in the shredders ?
"I've got to say, Chris, you have an odd view of balance. [...] I am struck by the tenor of your questions. You advertise this as giving us a chance to talk about what we're going to do, but everything is aimed at trying to put us in a kind of a bad light and look at the most controversial and not very representative things that we plan to do."
Chris Wallace didn't complain---so was he admitting his bias? "Let me see if I can do better."