On this morning's Fox News Sunday, William "The Bloody" Kristol informs us (since we all know that he is directing Iraq policy) that not only are we winning, but sober people understand the U.S. will have 100,000 troops in Iraq when President Bush leaves office in 2009, presumably implying that the large majority of Americans who favor pulling out are crazy. Further he claims that the next president will continue the fight against AQI when they take office - and all serious Democrats, including Hillary Clinton, know this to be the truth. The reality that AQI comprises less than 10% of the violence and he has yet to define what "winning" means goes unchallenged.
In FOXNewsland, Bush is winning his media propaganda blitz and unfortunately, Juan Williams is forced to agree that Kristol is right. Watch how he tries to point out that this policy is going against the majority of Americans' values and gets cut off.
Kristol: “The truth is we are going to have over 100,000 troops in Iraq when George Bush leaves office,” Kristol said. He added “sober Democrats who want to be serious about” Iraq and “who want to think about the consequences of losing” are coming to the view that “of course you can’t just pull out.”
Think Progress has more on Chief Admiral William Fallon from CentCom whose plans for significant troop cuts are at odds with General Petraeus on troop reductions.
(thanks to Nicole for help)