Let's see...What story would you consider important news? A phony story about Hillary not leaving a tip or Giuliani's BFF getting indicted after he had nominated him to run the DHS a few years ago?
Couric has the answer. (email Julia) "Near the end of this week's Le Show, Harry Shearer has audio of Katie Kouric asking her producer if, since they're tight for time, they should maybe not cover Bernie Kerik's indictment, since nobody really cares. (rough transcript)
Couric: ...Can I make a suggestion. I guess we have to follow the Kerik story, but does the rest of the country care that much? I mean if we're really in time trouble...we're so tight for time, do you think the whole country really cares that much about Bernard Kerik. I don't know, I'm just curious?
Nice attitude Katie. I think the story does instruct us on the type of man Rudy associates with and vouches for....Harry Shearer makes some good points why the Kerik/Giuliani story is BIG news....