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Why, oh why does anyone listen to Frankie "The Hair" Luntz? After the Democratic debate in Austin, Hannity & Colmes brought out everyone's favorite faux pollster/wordsmith/partisan hack to ask his patented dial focus group of "undecided Democratic voters" (look carefully, I'll be you've seen some of them before) for their impressions of the debate.
It would appear that these "undecided voters" want to see the sparks fly, not party comity. Don't worry, the comity ended this weekend. Democratic candidates agreeing on the issues??? We can't have that, bring on the WWF! Sadly, it also puts Luntz on really disgusting track:
LUNTZ: You guys wanted fireworks?
[focus group generally assents]
LUNTZ: No, you don't. You're Democrats. Don't you want to defeat George Bush and John McCain and all that Republican stuff?
FOCUS GROUP PARTICIPANT: I think the Democrats are going to win anyhow, regardless. But we need to get the best candidate out there. And if they're not going to debate each other, what's the use? I mean, they're agreeing with each other. Hillary's nodding her head all night long.
LUNTZ: You wanted them to argue?
[Focus group assents]
LUNTZ: You want them to take it on. You all agree with that?
[Focus group assents]
LUNTZ: How many of you want them to really argue? Raise your hands. And how many of you want them to make love to each other? Alan, go ahead.
Seriously, WTF is that? Media Matters has more...