Well, to be fair, it's only because the Republicans polled split between Clinton and Obama. Jack Cafferty on The Situation Room Thursday brought up a Gallup poll that asked people who they least wanted in the White House. Grandpa McSame topped the list, for most of the reasons we bring up constantly: his position on Iraq, his emulating Bush and moreover, because he's a Republican. Republicans, by a near 2 to 1 margin, preferred Obama to Clinton, their critiques of her much more personal in nature (40% either don't trust or like her).
Transcripts below the fold:
MALVEAUX: Now time for "The Cafferty File." Jack Cafferty joining us in New York. Jack, it is great to see you today.
JACK CAFFERTY, CNN ANCHOR: Great to be seen, Suzanne. Thank you.
Here's a twist on the polls that we see every day. A new Gallup survey asks people which of the three remaining candidates they least want to see elected president in November.
Forty percent of those surveyed said they don't want John McCain, 36 percent said they don't want Hillary Clinton, 20 percent said they don't want Barack Obama. One reason McCain tops the list, he's the only Republican left. So most Democrats choose him. The Republicans, on the other hand, are split between the two other candidates.
Here are some of the reasons people don't want a particular candidate to be president.
When it comes to John McCain, 27 percent say it's position on the Iraq war, 25 percent say he's too much like President Bush, 23 percent it's because he's a Republican.
As for Hillary Clinton, 24 percent say it's because they don't trust her, 18 percent say they don't want Bill Clinton back in the white House, and 16 percent say they just don't like her.
And with Barack Obama, 39 percent say he's inexperienced, 15 percent say they don't trust him, 12 percent say it's because he's a Muslim, which he's not.
Interesting that criticisms of the Democrats are all more personal in nature. The top issues with McCain all related to policy.
So here's the question. Which of the three remaining candidates, John McCain, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, would you least want to see elected president and why?
Go to cnn.com/caffertyfile. You can post a comment on my blog -- Suzanne.
Jack, what are you looking at, at this hour?
CAFFERTY: The question this hour is, which of the three remaining candidates, John McCain, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, would you least want to see elected president, and why?
Bill writes: "Hillary/Billary are my least likely choices. What I am reminded of is watching Hubert Humphrey betraying all his lifelong values to be president in 1968, sucking up to Lyndon Johnson because he wanted the presidency so much, he was willing to grovel for it. Same with Billary. Only difference is, there are no lifelong values to compromise."
Emily in New York writes: "I have no faith in John McCain whatsoever. The president's primary function, crafting and leading our foreign policy. I don't want it decided by a guy who needs someone whispering in his ear, telling him who the enemy is."
Matt writes: "Obama. He's just not ready. It's as simple as that."
Frank says: "I would rather answer one of those 'Have you stopped beating your wife?' questions. With the options being the codger, the dodger, and the kid, I guess it has to be the kid. If the voters truly want change, Obama is the only choice. How can you want real change and consider either McCain or Clinton, both longtime insiders who owe and are owed favors?"
Celia in Michigan writes: "Jack, I am a multiracial, multicultural female Democrat, and my least favorite candidate is Hillary Rodham Clinton. I am highly allergic to her."
Judy in Kansas City: "Barack Obama. He's inexperienced, not qualified to be commander in chief, and has a record of just voting present on a number of issues. He does not know how to work across the aisle, and he's too overconfident, in that he seems to think he's already been elected."
Portland writes: "Jack Cafferty. He is my least favorite living thing on the planet. I would pick a troglodyte for a president any day before I would pick Jack Cafferty. Jack, is time on your side? When are you going to kick the bucket and spare us all your pathetic commentary?"
Not soon, I hope.
Jim in Kansas writes: "That would be an easy choice: Grampa McCain. He is always showing pictures of himself which were taken when he was Barack Obama's age."
If you didn't see your e-mail here, you can go to my blog at CNN.com/caffertyfile, and look for yours, along with hundreds of others there.