Sen. Joe Biden was on ABC's THIS WEEK and took President Bush and John McCain to the woodshed over their latest attacks on the entire Democratic Party including Barack Obama over their negotiating in any form with Iran. He busts Bush for being a complete hypocrite. Wow, who knew? Bush asked Biden to negotiate with Gaddafi and he did. And I think it turned out pretty good. And since Gates and Condi want to talk with Iran too, what does Biden think about that? Fire those appeasers now! I'm sure McCain will agree.
STEPHANOPOULOS: It sounds like you're calling it hypocrisy.
BIDEN: Well, I should -- I'm trying to be more polite, but I shouldn't be. It was ridiculous. This is president -- this is pure, unadulterated politics. And the last point I'll make -- maybe the president doesn't know -- I'll be a smart guy, here --maybe he doesn't know what's going on in his own administration. But as soon as he gets back, he should fire, as appeasers, Gates...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Secretary of defense? BIDEN: ... and Rice -- secretary of defense and secretary of
state.STEPHANOPOULOS: Why? BIDEN: Because they both -- Gates as recently as a week ago --said, we've got to sit down and talk with the Iranian directly.
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Fill transcript provided by ABC news below the fold
STEPHANOPOULOS: How about the substance of what the president
was trying to say? Because John McCain picked up on it. He said
basically, you know, we have a big difference here. Barack Obama
wants unconditional talks with the Iranians. We don't. Here's what
Senator McCain said.
MCCAIN: Talking, not even with soaring rhetoric, unconditional,
and unconditional meetings with the man who calls Israel a stinking
corpse, and arms terrorist who kills Americans, will not convince Iran
to give up its nuclear program. It is reckless.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Senator Obama has said that his State
Department, his National Security Council would engage in
unconditional talks with the Iranians.
BIDEN: Let's put this in perspective. The reason why we'd be in
so much trouble if John McCain were president -- and I love him -- is
because of what you just heard.
What's the alternative to talking with a country that's building
a nuclear weapons, attempting to, that in fact is helping kill
Americans by supporting elements in Iraq that are killing Americans?
You either talk; you go to war; or you maintain the status quo.
Now, let's talk about talking. President Bush, the White House,
called me, several years ago, told me Air Force Two was waiting for me
at Andrews Air Force Base; would I get on the plane and go meet with
Gadhafi, a real known terrorist, personally, a terrorist -- personally
responsible for killing kids at the school I went to, Syracuse
University, blowing up that Pan Am flight.
The president of the United States asked me to go. He cut a deal
with Gadhafi, directly. It was a smart thing to do. He gave up his
nuclear weapons, Gadhafi.
What's the second thing?
We're in Korea, right now, George. You want to put the hit list
to the worst guys in the world?
How about Kim Jong Il?
They have proliferated nuclear technology, put us in jeopardy,
and other nations around the world. What is the president of the
United States doing, writing letters saying, "Dear Mr. Chairman" --
referring to him.
They've cut a deal. They've cut a deal. The president of the
United States of America, last time I was in Iraq, was trying to set
up, and recently asked for a third meeting with the Iranians, to talk
with them about what's going on in Iraq.
This is sophistry. This is ridiculous.
STEPHANOPOULOS: It sounds like you're calling it hypocrisy.
BIDEN: Well, I should -- I'm trying to be more polite, but I
shouldn't be. It was ridiculous. This is president -- this is pure,
unadulterated politics.
And the last point I'll make -- maybe the president doesn't know
-- I'll be a smart guy, here -- maybe he doesn't know what's going on
in his own administration. But as soon as he gets back, he should
fire, as appeasers, Gates...
STEPHANOPOULOS: Secretary of defense?
BIDEN: ... and Rice -- secretary of defense and secretary of
BIDEN: Because they both -- Gates as recently as a week ago --
said, we've got to sit down and talk with the Iranian directly.