Today we grab the bull by the tail and face the situation: the state of our media.
Civic Skunk Works tells us that Fox wants us to be scared of Syrian refugees.
The Inverse Square fact checks David F***ing Brooks and finds him wanting.
The Hunting of the Snark looks for the data behind Megan McArdle's assertions. *Crickets*
Bonus Track: Censorship and Media Opoly is a short piece from a 1998 episode of Saturday Night Live that was only shown once. It's worth revisiting, and ask yourself 1) How much has really changed and 2) Can you imagine SNL being able to air it today? Probably not. Be sure to read the notes for more background.
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors and at Liberaland. You can follow Tengrain on the electric Twitter machine, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).