Thank you Crooks and Liars for letting me be part of your morning all week long, but mostly I want to thank the 28-plus talented writers—most of whom are writing under their own shingle—who prove to us again that the art and craft of blogging is alive and well, and who are kicking ass and taking names.
The Rectification of Names looks at some more dirty tricks from the Republicans with repealing the Affordable Care Act. This time, with money!
Indomitable looks at the connections between white men, guns, and freedom.
Infidel753 tells us that Dâ'ish (ISIL) is being defeated.
Edge of Sports shows us a beautiful response to an ugly hate crime.
Bonus Track: Is it Zappadan already?
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors and at Liberaland. You can follow Tengrain on the electric Twitter machine, too. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to (with "For MBRU" in the subject line).