September 11, 2024

Right-wing commentators and Xitter enthusiasts are having a difficult time coping after their hero blew the presidential debate against Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday night. All the Xitter polls in the world won't help the felon after he repeatedly stumbled and took Harris's bait at every turn.

CNN host Chris Wallace criticized Trump's "disastrous" debate performance, saying that the 78-year-old Republican nominee "looked old" while comparing last night's debate to President Joe Biden's in June. That will not go down well with Trump since the former President has repeatedly bragged about his debate with Biden.

"I didn't think I was ever going to witness a debate as devastating as the one that you and Dana moderated back in June, where Joe Biden basically tanked his re-election campaign," Wallace said. "I think tonight was just as devastating."

"I think that Kamala Harris pitched a shutout on almost every subject I can think of," he continued. "She shut Trump down on abortion. She shut Trump down on January 6th and democracy."

"She shut him down on national security and turned to the former president and said the military leaders who served with you think that you're a disgrace," Wallace said. "And then, as Dana mentioned, very powerfully at the end, made the point that she is the candidate of change, and we need to turn the page from a decade of division and polarization on substance."

"I think she pitched a shutout and I think she did on style as well," he added.

Harris even baited Trump on his Hannibal Lecter shoutouts, his rallies where attendees are seen leaving early, on abortion, and all while highlighting his lack of leadership while the country was facing incredible challenges.

Cope harder, Trump supporters.

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