September 11, 2024

A constitutional amendment to protect abortion rights in Missouri and overturn the state’s near-total ban will remain on the November ballot, despite right-wing efforts to remove it. On Friday, a judge ruled the amendment should not be on the ballot, four days before Tuesday’s deadline to finalize ballots. But on Tuesday, Missouri’s Supreme Court ruled that the amendment shall remain on the ballot.

The Missouri Independent has the deets on the rulings. The upshot is that voters will now have the opportunity to legalize abortion until the point of fetal viability and protect birth control, too.

It's great news that Missourians now have a good chance to take back their reproductive freedoms. AP noted that voters have affirmed abortion rights in all seven states that have placed them on the ballot. That includes such red states as Kansas and Ohio.

Even better, AP also reported that having abortion on the ballot could draw more abortion-supporters to the polls and give Democrats a boost at the same time.

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