When Levin brings up God and Trump acts like he and Jesus hang on weekends over beers and the NFL, it reaches next-level bullshit.
September 7, 2024

Trump's interview with Mark Levin was off-the-rails nuts. Like, insane. But what does one expect from a particularly weaselly right-wing jack-in-the-box, a round little man who is a caricature of a caricature? Hated Trump in 2016, but just LOVED him once he won.

So when Levin brings up God and Trump acts like he and Jesus hang on weekends over beers and the NFL, it reaches next-level bullshit. And goes after Kamala Harris for being the "most vicious" to Mike Pence. Ya know, she didn't try to have him killed like Trump, but totally vicious, right? These are some weird MFers, folks. And there's more, much more...

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