Happy Veteran's Day. Recommended: EllenBeth Gill's article "Today, Veterans Day, My Veteran Dad Prefers Social Security To Ceremony."
And we're very grateful to the US servicemen and women who read C&L. Like Tammy Duckworth before you, we expect the coming decade will bring a number of progressive veterans (who are imminently electable, btw) to Congress and other elected offices. The troops didn't ask to invade Iraq. And a great many vets have a lot to say, and a lot to contribute, regarding the future of peace and a sane policies based in fact rather than neocon ideology. Furthermore, the troops have made it clear their position against DADT. And a great many vets have a lot to say, and a lot to contribute, regarding the future of our military, our economy, and for providing for opportunity for all.
To Tammy Duckworth, the soldiers at Walter Reed, the many vets who read our site, thank you. We know who we are honoring today, and why.
Open thread below....