Hillary was nothing but courteous towards Giuliani's own health issues, so his current behavior is even more disgraceful.
September 15, 2016

Keith Olbermann is back in our lives again thanks to GQ's Online Election Series, The Closer. They've hired the commentator to head up their 2016 election coverage and in his last episode, ripped Trump's megalomania to shreds.

In Episode 2, Keith takes on Rudy Giuliani pontificating over Hillary's health 'concerns.' Concern is a funny word when we are referencing the same person, Donald Trump, who suggested Second Amendment remedies to prevent Secretary Clinton from picking new SCOTUS Justices.

Rudy Giuliani! He only kept the job as chief Clinton health rumor-monger because while Newt Gingrich was on the air spewing to Sean Hannity about Clinton's coughing fits, Gingrich had…a coughing fit.

Keith unloaded on the lack of integrity recently displayed by Tom Brokaw, who took it upon himself to issue a medical diagnosis based on the over-exploited video of Hillary at the 9-11 remembrance ceremony.

Credit: screen grab

Hey, Tom. I worked with you for nine years. They asked me if I wanted you on cable coverage of the primaries, and I said, "Of course!" I think you should go to a mirror and see if you have any journalistic credibility left. It was pneumonia. Bad! Guess! Tom!

For crying out loud, Hillary Clinton has been campaigning with pneumonia since at least last Friday, and making more sense per minute than Trump has in his entire campaign.

Click here for a full transcript of Keith's soliloquy. So good he's back.

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