Watch with us as the committee investigating the insurrection investigates whether Trump "engaged in a massive effort to spread false and fraudulent information."
June 13, 2022

(Update: Stepien canceled because his wife went into labor.)

Today's topic is specifically whether Trump intentionally engaged in a massive effort to spread "false and fraudulent" information.

The first panel will be former Trump campaign manager William Stepien and Chris Stirewalt, former Fox News political director. Bill Stepien currently manages the campaign for Rep. Liz Cheney's challenger, Harriet Hageman.

The second panel will be Benjamin Ginsberg, Election Attorney, BJay Pak, former U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia, and Al Schmidt, former City Commissioner of Philadelphia.

BJay Pak, you may recall, quit on January 4, 2021, after he heard rumors Trump was going to fire him. Or maybe there was another reason that we'll hear about today.

Watch with us and let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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