April 28, 2023

South Carolina's Sen. Lindsey Graham is the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee. He had trouble keeping his eyes open during Amanda Zurawski's opening statement (which lasted about 5 minutes). Graham's indifference is symbolic of the entire Republican Party. At least he showed up though, if only to catch up on his beauty rest. Texas Senators Cornyn and Cruz didn't even bother to attend.

Source: CNN

A woman who is suing the state of Texas after being denied an abortion told lawmakers Wednesday that not receiving abortion care harmed her mental health and might prevent her from having children in the future.

Addressing her senators, Ted Cruz and John Cornyn, Amanda Zurawski said her “horrific” experience was a result of policies they support. “I nearly died on their watch,” she said.

“We’ve heard a lot today about the mental trauma and the negative harmful effects on a person’s psychological well-being after they have an abortion, supposedly, and I’m curious why that’s not relevant for me as well,” Zurawski said in the hearing of the US Senate Committee on the Judiciary on the impact of the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade.

“Because I wasn’t permitted to have an abortion and the trauma and the PTSD and the depression that I have dealt with in the eight months since this happened to me is paralyzing,” she said. “On top of that, I am still struggling to have children.”

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