Christina Bobb, an attorney for Donald Trump, said she is now treated as a "crazy conspiracy theorist" because she pushed claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
October 2, 2023

Christina Bobb, an attorney for Donald Trump, said she is now treated as a "crazy conspiracy theorist" because she pushed claims that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.

While hosting an RSBN broadcast on Sunday, Bobb said her problems began while working as an OAN anchor.

"So, like, for example, when I was covering the Arizona audit, I got accused of being, you know, far right, crazy conspiracy theorist, she's covering the Arizona audit," Bobb revealed. "If you go back and watch my coverage, I was telling you what was happening every day. And when I, when I was guessing or speculating, I would say I was like, this is what I think is going to happen based on what we're seeing today.

"But that pegged me as far crazy conspiracy theorist, when I was just reporting the facts," she complained.

In 2021, The Arizona Republic's Bill Goodykoontz called Bobb's coverage "deceptive and dangerous" because she was also working with the Arizona Senate and conducting fundraising.

"You can call One America News Network host Christina Bobb's role in the Arizona audit of the 2020 election a lot of things: shady, irresponsible, harmful," Goodykoontz wrote. "Just don't call it journalism."

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