October 5, 2017

Hardball's Chris Matthews ended his MSNBC show with a "Trump Watch" segment by reading a list of synonyms that Rex Tillerson could have substituted for when it was reported he called Trump a "moron."

Matthews opened up by saying Trump expanded his horizon by hiring Rex Tillerson, a man much smarter than he, who then called him a "moron."

Chris found the word "moron" an "interesting choice of words."

MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle, who worked on the NBC story said her source told her Rex actually called Trump a "f**king moron."

Putting "f**king" before the word moron still doesn't change the meaning of the word, but adds a little New York spice to it.

Matthews continued, "...according to the dictionary, Secretary Tillerson could just as accurately said idiot, blockhead, dunce, ignoramus, imbecile. Want more? Halfwit, dope, nincompoop, dimwit, dingbat, dumbo, ditz, numbskull, numbnut, thick-head, jughead, chowderhead, goofus.”

During Tillerson's weird press conference, he never said he didn't call Trump a moron. Heather Nauert, a former Fox New host and now a spokesperson for the State Department said Tillerson doesn't use that kind of language.

Funny, I didn't know the word "moron" was profane in any way. I wish we could get a ruling from George Carlin, but since he's unavailable, I will stipulate, moron is not a dirty word.

Chris continued, "When given a chance to take it back, refused to do so. The characterization lies out there on the record until someone clears it and that would have to be the Secretary of State himself. He can either deny saying the president is a moron or he can take it back and today, perhaps for posterity the honorable Secretary has refused to do either."

Even the ladies of Outnumbered held the same view.

Here's a few more that Matthews missed: "Boob, lamebrain, dolt, dork dummy, simpleton, loser, etc...

Feel free to add to the list.

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