May 9, 2023

Hey Crooks and Liars Readers! Thanks so much for being here and reading this little post.

Over at my podcast, we have what is called The Gourmet Coffee Guideline. What it means is, if you can afford to get a latte or dirty chai or iced cinnamon dolce no whip soy with a sprinkle of natural sugar on top, you should consider donating to your favorite blog or podcast.

And if you haven't paid five plus bucks for a coffee this year because things are tight, you shouldn't.

The fact is, a lot of us are more than willing to part with five bucks for a caffeinated beverage -- but close our wallets to a news source that provides for us a daily wake-up of informative news. But Crooks and Liars has real people writing here, and real expenses like server space (very expensive!) to keep the videos coming. You know data isn't free, and it's worth supporting because C&L keeps it progressive.

So...if you can afford to buy a latte, buy one for us with a contribution. And if you can, buy a round for the whole staff with a donation of $25 or more! Thanks.

Or you can send a check via snail mail to:
528 Palisades Drive Ste 548
Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

And you can subscribe here and get an ad-free year-long subscription:

In the comments below, please share what C&L means to you, and also, what's your favorite coffee drink?

Can you help us out?

For nearly 20 years we have been exposing Washington lies and untangling media deceit, but now Facebook is drowning us in an ocean of right wing lies. Please give a one-time or recurring donation, or buy a year's subscription for an ad-free experience. Thank you.


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