October 13, 2023

Senator John Fetterman appeared on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and talked about what it's like being in Congress. Fetterman didn't pull any punches and solidly landed a couple of one-liners that are definitely going to leave a mark, saying that America is not sending their "best and brightest" to Congress. Fetterman also referred to the GOP as being "less gifted people" who would be willing to shut down the government just in order to score a few minutes on Fox.

But the more important blow was much more subtle and much more powerful.

Fetterman called on the Senate to expel Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who allegedly was a foreign agent:

Meanwhile, no one in the House Republicans, who are often quick to attack Fetterman for anything, real or perceived, won't lift a finger to anything about Representative Chameleon, aka George Santos.

One can only hope that Fetterman wasn't expecting to lead by example. The Republicans in both houses have regressed too far to be saved.

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