Date: Thursday Night December 2, 2004
Place: Wadsworth Theatre, Brentwood, CA.
Event: Michael Moore and John Dean
Moore continued: "America loves Hollywood. Don't let Hannity and O'Reilly tell you different. Don't think they are trying to help you. That's why the Right runs Reagan and Arnold and Sonny Bono and the guy from the Loveboat. The Democrats run policy wonks. The two times we won, we won with a rock star, Bill Clinton and a movie star, John Kennedy."
"How did they end up with better screenwriters? Karl Rove CREATED the Crawford Ranch as a set, a year before the election. Democrats, don't run AWAY from Hollywood. Run TO Hollywood!" exhorted Moore.
"We need a simple story. Bob Dylan did it in a three minute song. We can do it. It was embarrassing this happened and we're never gonna let this happen again!" yelled Moore.
On the subject of "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore explained:
"The film outed the mainstream media. Journalists today are lazy. They go to Nexus, they crib from other articles....where are our Woodwards and Bernsteins of today?"
"They all got mad at me because I outed them. Matt Lauer was upset with me." sighed Moore.
Dean: "This administration has blunted the media. Woodward has become a stenographer."
Moore: "After an interview with Katie Couric, she told me off camera that her producer had received a phone call from Dick Cheney's office saying he didn't like the tone of her voice when she was interviewing an adminstration official recently."
The crowd GROANED.
Couric appologized off-camera to Moore on the Today Show. "Thirteen hundred American are dead because you didn't have the guts to ask the hard questions," Moore's voice quivered as he barked those words.
Dean: "Where did you get the footage of Bush in the elementary school?"
Moore: " I called Booker Elementary and they told me they ran a video camera on a tripod for the whole thing. I asked them if I could have it. They said sure - for five dollars!"
Moore went on to explain how our initial missle attack on Bagdad was 0 for 50 and "there is blood on our hands and we will pay for this."
Explaining his heavy-weight security guards on either end of the stage, Moore told the audience how 'Focus On The Family', a right wing group had published his address and photos of his house in Michigan on the net and how his life has been constantly threatened, his home vandalized. "Harvey and Bob pay for this around the clock security. It's a terrible way to live," Moore whispered sadly.
In addition he said that Republican groups have taken out full page ads in Variety and USA today urging the entertainment industry to stop Moore from winning another Oscar this year.
The crowd cheered its approval.
On the subject of "Fahrenheit 9/11" Moore explained:
"The film outed the mainstream media. Journalists today are lazy. They go to Nexus, they crib from other articles....where are our Woodwards and Bernsteins of today?"
"They all got mad at me because I outed them. Matt Lauer was upset with me." sighed Moore.
Dean: "This administration has blunted the media. Woodward has become a stenographer."
Moore: "After an interview with Katie Couric, she told me off camera that her producer had received a phone call from Dick Cheney's office saying he didn't like the tone of her voice when she was interviewing an adminstration official recently."
The crowd GROANED.
Couric appologized off-camera to Moore on the Today Show. "Thirteen hundred American are dead because you didn't have the guts to ask the hard questions," Moore's voice quivered as he barked those words.
Dean: "Where did you get the footage of Bush in the elementary school?"
Moore: " I called Booker Elementary and they told me they ran a video camera on a tripod for the whole thing. I asked them if I could have it. They said sure - for five dollars!"
Moore went on to explain how our initial missle attack on Bagdad was 0 for 50 and "there is blood on our hands and we will pay for this."
Explaining his heavy-weight security guards on either end of the stage, Moore told the audience how 'Focus On The Family', a right wing group had published his address and photos of his house in Michigan on the net and how his life has been constantly threatened, his home vandalized. "Harvey and Bob pay for this around the clock security. It's a terrible way to live," Moore whispered sadly.
In addition he said that Republican groups have taken out full page ads in Variety and USA today urging the entertainment industry to stop Moore from winning another Oscar this year.
Regarding his upcoming film, "Sicko" Moore chortled, "HMO's are holding Michael Moore drills. They roll play. Pfizer has sent out memos....if a bearded fat man in rumpled clothing shows up....."
Much hilarity in the crowd ensued.
In a Q&A with the audience Moore explained that he wore a suit and tie on the Tonight Show because he "just wanted to look good for his IRS audit."
In the Holy Cow info department, Moore claimed that Dana Millbank of the Washington Post reported he found out the tail numbers on the plane used to ferry the Bin Laden family out of the U.S. after 9/11. He traced the actual plane to Washington, D.C. It shockingly turned out to be the official White House Press Corp jet!
"July 22nd. Washington Post. You can look it up," bellowed Moore.
In an upbeat message near the end, Moore predicted that the "Anybody But Bush movement would morph into an anti-war movement that will be massive. I urge you all to go to the Inauguaral!
"Comedy and humor is really going to be important in the next four years," Moore informed.
He urged the audience to grab control of their local Democratic Parties and that we need new blood in the DNC. "Bob Shrum must go," Moore urged.
In a final light segment for the evening, Dean extrapolated at to his own theories regarding the identity of "Deep Throat" the famed Watergate leaker who provided info to Woodward and Bernstein. While Dean leans to Pat Buchannan, Moore would have none of it.
"It's Diane Sawyer. I'm certain of it. It's Diane Sawyer."
Dean: "Michael, welcome to the Enemies List."
Regarding his upcoming film, "Sicko" Moore chortled, "HMO's are holding Michael Moore drills. They roll play. Pfizer has sent out memos....if a bearded fat man in rumpled clothing shows up....."
Much hilarity in the crowd ensued.
In a Q&A with the audience Moore explained that he wore a suit and tie on the Tonight Show because he "just wanted to look good for his IRS audit."
In the Holy Cow info department, Moore claimed that Dana Millbank of the Washington Post reported he found out the tail numbers on the plane used to ferry the Bin Laden family out of the U.S. after 9/11. He traced the actual plane to Washington, D.C. It shockingly turned out to be the official White House Press Corp jet!
"July 22nd. Washington Post. You can look it up," bellowed Moore.
In an upbeat message near the end, Moore predicted that the "Anybody But Bush movement would morph into an anti-war movement that will be massive. I urge you all to go to the Inauguaral!
"Comedy and humor is really going to be important in the next four years," Moore informed.
He urged the audience to grab control of their local Democratic Parties and that we need new blood in the DNC. "Bob Shrum must go," Moore urged.
In a final light segment for the evening, Dean extrapolated at to his own theories regarding the identity of "Deep Throat" the famed Watergate leaker who provided info to Woodward and Bernstein. While Dean leans to Pat Buchannan, Moore would have none of it.
"It's Diane Sawyer. I'm certain of it. It's Diane Sawyer."