Mike's Blog Round Up #1
I'm going to stop posting them on a seperate page. It seems that more traffic will be generated to other bloggers if I put them on the home page. I'm
I'm going to stop posting them on a seperate page. It seems that more traffic will be generated to other bloggers if I put them on the home page. I'm a little behind so here are some from the 28th:
The Revealer points us to yet another creationism theme park story...this one from the LA Times.
Oliver Willis on when serious questions are reduced to simplistic alternatives.
The increasingly violent rhetoric emanating from wingnuttia reminded us to re-read David Neiwert's excellent essay on the subject.
"Mallard Fillmore" is a comic strip. But The Scope wonders if racism is funny
Newsie has : oh, and where's Cheney?