Mike's Blog Round Up

Not a lefty blog, but sober-minded market analysts, the Prudent Bear surveys the wreckage and observes that BUSHCO is "neither compassionate nor conse

Not a lefty blog, but sober-minded market analysts, the Prudent Bear surveys the wreckage and observes that BUSHCO is "neither compassionate nor conservative."

The Next Left: Fun for the whole displaced family! A wonderful downloadable PDF from I LOVE KARL ROVE.

Bush appoints yet another unqualified crony to a critically important Homeland Security position. DC Media Girl ponders the choice.

Mykeru: Wingnut gatherings will get cut a lot of slack by the authorities, even to the point of "Brooks Brothers Riots" being allowed in polling places while people on the left are ushered into chain-link fenced "Free Speech Zones".

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