Mike's Blog Round Up

The Extreme Religious Right's war on science continues: There's a new vaccine which has proven nearly 100% effective in the prevention of the type of

The Extreme Religious Right's war on science continues: There's a new vaccine which has proven nearly 100% effective in the prevention of the type of infections which can lead to cervical cancer. Guess who opposes vaccination? Jesus Is My Puppeteer...because my heart is pure.

Todd and in Charge: You know Al-Qaida is in its last throes and about to be vanquished when they start running ads in major Arab newspapers for various vacant spots in their PR department.

More on trafficking in human beings. That compassionate conservative, G-DUB, recently waived financial sanctions on Saudi, Arabia for failing to do enough to stop the modern-day slave trade. A Liberal Dose: Oct 6 was a great day to be a liberal!

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