Mike's Blog Round Up

The Reaction: Scalitovision 2005...Michael has another excellent roundup of information and opinion, from across the political spectrum, on Bush's lat

The Reaction: Scalitovision 2005...Michael has another excellent roundup of information and opinion, from across the political spectrum, on Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee.

Attytood: Alito: Where were you in '72? Yet another chickenhawk added to the BUSHCO roster? And the Liberal Avenger wants to know WHO "bequested" a quarter-million dollars worth of Exxon-Mobil stock to Alito and wants to know WHY.

King of Zembla: There's a ton of speculation in the wake of the Libby indictment. Is Fitz in the tank? Will Cheney testify? Will Scooter roll? Simbaud is all over it like ham on a hog.

The well-rounded folks over at Martini Republic inform us that, in addition to his bad memory, Scooter is guilty of bad writing. The prudish Bill O'Reilly may wax eloquent about a falafel, but the lascivious Libby unabashedly explores, incest, homoeroticism, and--Jaysuz! call Santorum--sex with deer!

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