Mike's Blog Round Up

Kansas Morons! American Classic novels deemed "porn" by Kansas school official, Kansas teachers guide to Intelligent Design, Wheat futures close highe

Kansas Morons! American Classic novels deemed "porn" by Kansas school official, Kansas teachers guide to Intelligent Design, Wheat futures close higher, pork bellies unchanged...

Operation Truth: Letter from Ramadi..."I wish every American could see this for him/herself."

Bird Flu Scare: Fueled by apocalyptic pronouncements from a fundamentalist White House, and an unquestioning corporate press, the ongoing asian bird flu scare is already netting millions for shareholders of a useless vaccine—including Donald Rumsfeld, former CEO of the company that created it.

Yellow Dog Blog: Turkeys Refuse Ceremonial White House Pardon...and Roman notes that G-Dub has pardoned more turkeys than people.

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