Mike's Blog Round Up

Bruin Design: Can you think of a reason why the Bushistas are interested in YOUR phone calls and web surfing habits? How about 8 reasons? If this sto

Bruin Design: Can you think of a reason why the Bushistas are interested in YOUR phone calls and web surfing habits? How about 8 reasons?

If this story pans out about insider trading taking place out of GOP offices, I think you finally have the poison pill that will drive them out of office. This is very, very big....More

TalkLeft: 22 Retired Military Officers ask Bush to enforce the torture amendment.

Attytood: They say that the payback's a bitch, and it must be true. Just ask America's coal miners.

Crooked Timber: A new winger website promoting the dubious idea that "liberal" professors exert a vise-like grip on the pliable minds of their students.

Thou Shall Not Suck: Sending the aging and aged to a societal landfill.

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