Mike's Blog Round Up
Blue Gal: Jill Carroll - something we can do FBIHOP: New report from Europe on CIA's secret prisons We'd be worried about the stunning incompetence
Blue Gal: Jill Carroll - something we can do
FBIHOP: New report from Europe on CIA's secret prisons
We'd be worried about the stunning incompetence of our self-described War President" if Darth Cheney hadn't assured us that the Iraq insurgency was in it's last throes."
The Revealer: New Canadian PM, Stephen Harper, is politically and religiously much further right than George W. Bush. God help 'em...
Somebody should ask Justice John Scalia why he shunned Chief Justice John Roberts' swearing-in for a Federalist Society paid junket that included a cocktail party co-hosted by Abramoff's former law partners. Ethics, schmethics.
The Daily Howler: The NYT's fatuous Elizabeth Bumiller knows what G-Dub's readin' and what he thinks about them books. How? Because Scotty told her.