Mike's Blog Round Up

In assigning the blame for the cartoon fatwa, it appears BUSHCO has conveniently overlooked some of the worst offenders. But we don't have a monopoly

In assigning the blame for the cartoon fatwa, it appears BUSHCO has conveniently overlooked some of the worst offenders. But we don't have a monopoly on idiotic politicians. Let's examine the controversy more closely...and here's a roundup of opinions on the subject from across the political spectrum. Apparently,one alt-weekly lost it's entire editorial staff over the issue.

The Existentialist Cowboy: For Bush, the "State" is Absolute

Nathan Callahan: If Seymour Hersh is worried, we're worried

YAY! The U.S. is more popular than Iran

Pharyngula: The physical world does seem to trump religious delusions most effectively, doesn't it? Unless you're dealing with someone like this.

The Reality-Based Community: St. McCain has a history of slime and defend. Too bad he couldn't have expended some of his faux outrage on this, this, or this

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