Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up whatever already! Correspondence unsealed in federal court in recent days indicates President Bush may have been briefed regardi
Mike's Blog Round Up
whatever already! Correspondence unsealed in federal court in recent days indicates President Bush may have been briefed regarding former ambassador Joseph Wilsons February 2002 CIA-sponsored mission to Niger during regular morning intelligence briefing.
A Tiny Revolution: Other Ironic Lessons of Iraq
Talk To Action Here, we have a guy who condemns violence in the name of Islam, while condoning violence in the name of Christ. Is that what fundies mean by "moral relativism"?
Hughes for America: Wingmutt site just luvs Tweety's anti-gay rhetoric...and they'reapparently infringing on the copyright of a local newspaper that has been around for more than a century. Hmm...
Bring it On: How to foil a terror plot
State of the Day: One man's Saturday 'to-do' list