Mike's Blog Round Up

The Heretik: The President Will See You Now...this is a disgrace. Your President Speaks: What the hell does "incent" mean...and has anyone ever heard

The Heretik: The President Will See You Now...this is a disgrace.

Your President Speaks: What the hell does "incent" mean...and has anyone ever heard of a ‘Great British’ company?

Petty Larseny: An un-democratic country wanted to do business with America, so they made friends with influential people at the Heritage Foundation and they poured $1.2 million into a bogus foundation set up by an American lobbyist who called his friend Karl Rove and arranged to have the president of the United States -- for whom the lobbyist had raised more than $100,000...GO READ THE REST.

Take Action: You pay taxes. Shouldn't the Oil industry? Despite big oil's record profits, both the White House and the leadership in the House of Representatives are firmly against the Senate's proposed $5.4 billion tax hike for oil companies.

Newsie 8200's Penndit: General campaign news update

Oxford University Press: Turning patients into consumers--the trickle-up economics of Health Savings Accounts

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