Mike's Blog Round Up
Blueblogs Radio: Podcasts for liberals...featuring Driftglass, Fire Dog Lake, Consortium News, Chris Floyd, the Rude Pundit, and more! Words of Power
Blueblogs Radio: Podcasts for liberals...featuring Driftglass, Fire Dog Lake, Consortium News, Chris Floyd, the Rude Pundit, and more!
Words of Power: An internationally recognized expert in the areas of Security, Intelligence and Risk looks at the Port Security controversy.
Newsie 8200's Penndit: That lazy media...
Today in Iraq: "There are some who, uh, feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is: Bring 'em on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. - George W. Bush, July 2, 2003.
No Capital: Tens of thousands of veterans with non-critical medical issues could suffer delayed or even denied care in coming years.
The Revealer: The FDA's Plan B