Mike's Blog Round Up
Briopia: Amazing race to control the most uteruses...and Digby spots an honest representation of the way many in the so-called 'pro-life' movement fee
Briopia: Amazing race to control the most uteruses...and Digby spots an honest representation of the way many in the so-called 'pro-life' movement feel.
Political Cortex: If Saddam is guilty of genocide, can Rumsfeld be innocent? It's Official, we're worse than Saddam
Simply Left Behind: Not only is Carl is a nominee for a Koufax Award in two categories, he generously links the competition.
uggabugga: "The American fascist would prefer not to use violence. His method is to poison the channels of public information."--Henry Wallace (1944)
Norwegianity: Chickenshit, backstabbing, four-flushing, anonymous, Congressional Democrats
Raven's View: Wingnut blogospere is hysterical over the Colorado teacher who has criticized elected public officials and their policies!