Mike's Blog Round Up

Petrelis Files: The latest issue of the New York Review of Books has a must-read report from Baghdad by UC Berkeley journalism dean Orville Schell on

Petrelis Files: The latest issue of the New York Review of Books has a must-read report from Baghdad by UC Berkeley journalism dean Orville Schell on the state of the press in the Iraqi city.

Speak Speak News: The FBI investigates the president of Common Cause...for criticizing the Patriot Act at a meeting of the League of Women Voters.

The Satirical Political Report: On the heels of the Cheney “Downtime Requirements” document obtained by The Smoking Gun, this reporter has come into possession of a top secret memo outlining the Top Ten demands that President Bush has during his hotel stays...

The Reaction: The White House, which faces nothing but bad news on a daily basis, must be quite happy that the NY Times chooses to type up insipid trivia about possible staff changes rather than focus on the stunning incompetence of BUSHCO.

Night Bird's Fountain: Lizzy has a list of some of the women running for Congress as Democrats.

Check out Cliff Schecter's weekly column over at AMERICAblog

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: earth family alpha...The WitList...Politics in the Zeros...Political Theory Daily Review...The Swift Report

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