Mike's Blog Round Up

Blue Gal: Jonah and the rest of the BUSHCO apologists are afraid of Jill Carroll. There's a lot of kidnapping in G-Dub's Iraq. One would think the Koo

Blue Gal: Jonah and the rest of the BUSHCO apologists are afraid of Jill Carroll. There's a lot of kidnapping in G-Dub's Iraq. One would think the Kool-Aid brigade would be grateful for some "good news."

Norbizness: Back on track with the weekly litany of the crimes, misdemeanors, and other affronts to civilized society committed by The Left. Let's see what I've been up to...

Rep. Cynthia McKinney allegedly struck a police officer at a Capitol Hill security checkpoint the other day. The incident prompted syndicated scream radio winger Neal Boortz to unleash a stream of racist blather--including saying that McKinney looked like a "ghetto slut"-- which earned him Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person In the World" award last night. John weighed in on the matter--without commenting on McKinney's appearance. I'm just trying to imagine this happening to a white, Southern congressMan.

The Washington Monthly: Guess who Junior nominated to head the Labor Dept. as the country debates what to do about our cheapest laborers.

Recovering Liberal: Abstinence...Assaulting Truth With Cash

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: The Long Goodbye....Dr. Laniac's Laboratory....
WTF Is It Now??....Left I on the News

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