Mike's Blog Round Up

Mike's Blog Round Up The Osterley Times: US and UK forces establishing 'enduringe bases' in Iraq. Why won’t reporters ask Bush about it? Maybe th

Mike's Blog Round Up
The Osterley Times: US and UK forces establishing 'enduringe bases' in Iraq. Why won’t reporters ask Bush about it? Maybe they'll ask about this scandal.

Booman Tribune: Finally, a little of thegood news that wingnuts and the Bush Administration have been begging to see highlighted. Here are reports on U.S. Casualties in Iraq, the Iraq Body Count, and the Cost of War...and go look at this three-part Los Angeles Times series following the lives of soldiers wounded in Iraq...Bring it On finds some veterans speaking out against the war

Our pal Bob Geiger has moved over to Democrats.com

A senior Congressional investigator has accused his agency of covering up a scientific fraud among builders of a $26 billion system meant to shield the nation from nuclear attack. The disputed weapon is the centerpiece of the Bush administration's antimissile plan, which is expected to cost more than $250 billion over the next two decades.

Jesus and Mo

Discourse.net: The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been blocked from making public evidence of NSA domestic spying. Meanwhile, deep within the Pentagon, technologies are being deployed to wage the war on terror on the Internet...and the FBI says they only "monitor" anti-war groups and other activists to curb violence, not because of ideology. Uh...OK.

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