Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up Recovering Liberal: GOP pervert Hall of Shame now contains over 55 names. Where's Pat Robertson when you need him? Muckraked: 'T
Muckraked: 'Tom's Tomorrow'...what fresh hell will DeLay be visiting upon us in the future?
Truthout: The White House is tied to election violations in New Hampshire. Josh Marshall has been all over this story for years, but it bears continued examination considering John McCain recently hired, as a "senior aide," one of the RNC players involved both in this crime, and DeLay's Texas money-laundering scheme.
My Left Wing: Another General speaks out...
No More Mister Nice Blog: and this is how BUSHCO "supports the troops"
The Mahablog: The new Iron Curtain...Righties cant wrap their heads about the fact that huge numbers of native born Americans are personally connected to illegals.