Mike's Blog Round Up
American Prospect Online: Vice Squad...meet Dick Cheney's staff Opinion Journal: Shortly after he became Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld made a
American Prospect Online: Vice Squad...meet Dick Cheney's staff
Opinion Journal: Shortly after he became Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld made a big deal out of posting "Rumsfeld's Rules." Last Friday on the PBS News Hour, David Brooks observed that Rummy has since broken every one of 'em! We had to use this WSJ link because the "Rules" are no longer available at the DoD website. (hat tip to reader John C.)
Facing South: Astounding news here. This is why thousands of New Orleans residents think that Republicans are out to disenfranchise them. But what have the Democrats done?
The Reality-Based Community: "Just asking" dept.
The Revealer: A key tactic of the Christian Right is the strategy of diluting its message for mainstream consumption so that it seems less inflammatory. It's the kind of p.r. tactics which have allowed pols like Rick Santorum feel comfortable about campaigning at a Revival meeting...and hate-spewing hypocrite Ann Coulter has cavalierly appropriated Christianity as a prop for her latest venomous volume.