Mike's Blog Round Up

Mike's Blog Round Up Iran Body Count: The Oxford Research Group has a comprehensive look at the Military Consequences of going to war with Iran. Atta

Mike's Blog Round Up

Iran Body Count: The Oxford Research Group has a comprehensive look at the Military Consequences of going to war with Iran. Attacking Iranwould be only the beginning of a long struggle and will have many unexpected and unwelcome side effects.

Super Frenchie: When was it again that the stated goal of the Bush administration’s foreign policy was the promotion of democracy in the world? And that they would stop considering dictators as friends? And why are US taxpayers still footing the bill for that finishing school for future torturers and dictators, the School of the Americas?

The Brad Blog: The approaching 2006 E-voting trainwreck continues on course

Pandagon: Father/daughter "purity balls"? Arghhh!

Democracy Now! Retired Colonel Sam Gardiner says "the issue is not whether the military option would be used, but who approved the start of operations already."

Unqualified Offerings: Civil War re-enactment?...NO, Marvel Superheros Secret War re-enactors!

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