Mike's Blog Round Up
Agitprop: Whitewash alert...James Baker on a "fact-finding" mission to Iraq for G-Dub The Progressive: 15-year-old web animation artist is the recip
Agitprop: Whitewash alert...James Baker on a "fact-finding" mission to Iraq for G-Dub
The Progressive: 15-year-old web animation artist is the recipient of ugly emails from wingnut "patriots."
James Dobson would like to shut the doors of public education...only by not giving a damn about religion can America save itself from damnation...a chaplian's view of torture
We hear a lot from the Bushistas and their Stepford supporters about "supporting the troops." Here's what that really looks like.
Tristram Shandy: Conservobloggers seem determined to marginalize Osama bin Laden. Looks like he won't be "dangerous" again until they catch him.
Brandoland: Another installment of "Big Conservative Babies"