Mike's Blog Round Up
The Daily Background: Thousands march against war...thousands more expected to turn out for May 1 boycott actions Talk To Action: Episcopal newspaper
The Daily Background: Thousands march against war...thousands more expected to turn out for May 1 boycott actions
Talk To Action: Episcopal newspaper exposes rightwing agencies.
New England Republican: This pitiful Rethug (held prisoner in Massachusets?) flays Powerline for their bald hypocrisy. The Rather-killers were granted the privilege of hosting streams of Neil Young's new CD after agreeing not to criticize him or the album's the anti-Dubya content. Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast...(thnx to reader mp)
The Democratic Daily Blog: Scott Ritter talks tough with High School students about Iraq, Iran and the future of their country.
The Existentialist Cowboy: Carl Bernstein calls for a Senate investigation of Bush conspiracy...and if you don't believe the liberals, listen to Patrick Buchanan. Actually, Buchanan has been critical of BU$HCO for quite a spell. Take a look at some of the articles in his magazine, The American Conservative.
EdItorial Cartoons from Bob Gieger over at Democrats.com