Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up May 1st: This Day in History...Between 34 and 39,000 Iraqi civilians killed so far...2,377 American soldiers killed, more than 1
Mike's Blog Round Up
May 1st: This Day in History...Between 34 and 39,000 Iraqi civilians killed so far...2,377 American soldiers killed, more than 17,381 wounded...100,000 families have fled the violence. Cost of war: $277,187,977,102. "There are some who, uh, feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is:
Norbizness: The Left [tweet] knocked out my front tooth [tweet]!
The Road to Surfdom: In a grassroots movement to rival the reclaimation of the word ‘black’ from the racists, the rightwing blog, Captain’s Quarters, has launched a latter-day civil rights campaign
to reclaim the phrase ‘Keyboard Commandos’ (and related forms) from us oppresive lefties.