Mike Blog Round Up

Mike Blog Round Up Orcinus: Why, if post-9/11 border security is such a suddenly serious concern, aren't we sending the Guard to the Canadian border?

Mike Blog Round Up

Orcinus: Why, if post-9/11 border security is such a suddenly serious concern, aren't we sending the Guard to the Canadian border? It is, after all our longest and most porous border, and its many open spots do not entail dangerous and potentially lethal desert crossings.

World O' Crap: Do you believe that clean air, unpolluted water, and pure, untainted food are good for you? Then you are the kind of illiterate, inbred, simple-minded whiner who makes John Stossel want to puke.

blogenlust: Cirque du Saddam...seems like a good time to take the Wayback Machine out for a spin...

Just a Bump in the Beltway: The House passed a $513 billion defense authorization bill yesterday that includes language intended to allow chaplains to pray in the name of Jesus at public military ceremonies, undercutting new Air Force and Navy guidelines on religion. Wonder if that'll calm these folks down?

Sadly, No! Mr & Mrs. Bubble

The Satirical Political Report: Surgeons fail to separate Bush & Cheney...no cure for 'Butt-Puppet Syndrome'

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