Mike's Blog Round Up
Mike's Blog Round Up Blue Gal: Religious liberals agree to fail to agree The Osterley Times: Go on over if you want to view the entire documentar
The Osterley Times: Go on over if you want to view the entire documentary, "Enron: "The Smartest Guys In the Room"
A Liberal Dose: The world's first true $100 laptop has just been unveiled, and it looks to be a spectacular innovation.
Democrats.com: Bob's got the best of the week's editorial cartoons
Air America Radio: Check out the rebroadcast today of old friend David Bender's weekend show, 'Politically Direct.' "I've done a lot of programs that I've been proud of over the last year, but none more so than Saturday's broadcast with Al Gore and the producers and director of the film, An Inconvenient Truth."