Mike's Blog Round Up

Harpers.org: There may be more problems for Jerry Lewis of California, the head of the House Appropriations Committee who is under federal investigati

Harpers.org: There may be more problems for Jerry Lewis of California, the head of the House Appropriations Committee who is under federal investigation for his ties to lobbyists and for possibly steering money to well-connected companies. Updates at War and Piece

AGITPROP: A Fistful of Wingnuts

A Tiny Revolution: Nir Rosen, world's bravest person, on Zarqawi

Norbizness: Here's where you get to find out what The Left did to America, your herb garden, and your blood pressure over the last week through the magic of lo-traffic websites.

Bill Moyers' Baccalaureate Address at Hamilton College, Clinton, NY (hat tip Blue Gal)

OFF THE BEATEN PATH: The Blue State...Liberal Rapture... Everything Between...Beggars Can Be Choosers...Acme News and Thought...Red State Son

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