Campaign News Round-Up
Campaign-related news items that wouldn't generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers: * Not only is Katherine Harris
Campaign-related news items that wouldn't generate a post of their own, but may be of interest to political observers:
* Not only is Katherine Harris (R) struggling badly in her Senate campaign in Florida, but she's also having trouble breaking through with Republicans. In the latest Quinnipiac poll, Harris trails Sen. Bill Nelson (D), 59% to 26%. According to the poll, only 35% of Florida Republicans want Harris as their Senate nominee.
* In Maryland, a Washington Post poll shows former Rep. Kweisi Mfume (D) pulling ahead in the Dem Senate primary against Rep. Ben Cardin (D), 31% to 25%. In the general election, however, Cardin seems to be in a stronger position, leading Lt. Gov. Michael Steele (R) by 10 points, while Mfume is ahead of Steele by three.
* The AP had an interesting report out of Washington state today on Sen. Maria Cantwell (D), who is struggling in her re-election effort, in part because of her support for the war in Iraq and the consternation it's causing among the state's progressive voters. Unlike Joe Lieberman, however, Cantwell's two primary opponents are largely unknown and have very limited financial resources.
* According to a report in Roll Call, a poll conducted for Jim Webb's (D) Senate campaign in Virginia shows the challenger pulling to within seven points of incumbent Sen. George Allen (R). In the Benenson Strategy Group poll, Allen leads, 46% to 39%.
* And in Minnesota, the two latest Rasmussen polls offer Dems good news in both of the state's major statewide contests. In the open Senate, Rasmussen shows attorney Amy Klobuchar (D) with a narrow lead over Rep. Mark Kennedy (R), 47% to 44%. In Minnesota's gubernatorial race, state Attorney General Mike Hatch continues to lead incumbent Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R), 47% to 42%.
-- Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report