If A Report Falls In A Forest...
It's been about 48 hours since Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee issued a sweeping indictment of the Bush administration's casual approach to
It's been about 48 hours since Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee issued a sweeping indictment of the Bush administration's casual approach to law-breaking in a report called, "The Constitution in Crisis." How's the media reaction been?
Using Lexis-Nexis and Google News, it appears that the only mainstream media outlet -- literally, the only one -- to even mention the release of the report was CNN, when Jack Cafferty devoted 200 words to the subject late last week.
To be fair, the timing of the release wasn't ideal. A Friday afternoon in August was probably not the way to maximize exposure for the report.
Regardless, this is a well-documented, thoroughly-researched report from congressional Democrats about the Bush administration possibly violating over two dozen federal laws and regulations -- some of them multiple times. And yet, nothing in the AP; nothing in any of the major dailies; nothing on ABC, CBS, or NBC. Not one word.
First, many of us frequently feel like congressional Democrats need to be aggressive and go on the offensive more, but let's not forget, even when they do, much the media blows off what Dems have to say.
And second, if Dems accuse the administration of criminal activity, and it's widely ignored, does it really make a sound?
--Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report