Making Kos Toxic -- Because He Took A Vacation

The Republican National Committee, which has generally perfected the fine art of the smear piece, published a very odd attack on Markos Moulitsas Zuni

The Republican National Committee, which has generally perfected the fine art of the smear piece, published a very odd attack on Markos Moulitsas Zuniga today, referring to him as a "nutroot" who runs a "hate-filled" blog.

The very first item on the RNC's list of complaints is one of the strangest complaints I've seen in a long while:

Daily Kos Blogger Markos Moulitsas Zuniga Back From "Relaxing" Vacation:

Moulitsas Just Got Back From Summer Vacation: "I got back from El Salvador really early this morning, so I'm still catching up on the last week's news." (The Daily Kos Website, www.dailykos.com, Accessed 8/22/06)

Moulitsas: "I'm still playing catchup after my very relaxing, very nice vacation." (Daily Kos Website, www.dailykos.com, Accessed 8/22/06)

Maybe I'm missing something here. Are we supposed to be disgusted with Kos for "relaxing"? Are vacations now bad? Or is the point that Kos is somehow suspect because he went to El Salvador?

I understand the broader point. The Republicans like to make certain progressive figures so toxic, Dems will want to keep their distance (see Moore, Michael). In this context, the RNC doesn't want Dems to advertise on Daily Kos, and wants to lambaste anyone who does as contributing to a "hate" site. But what in the world is the point of blasting Kos for taking a "relaxing vacation"?

-- Guest Post by Steve Benen, The Carpetbagger Report

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